MRP Custom 9.5mm High Lift 4age 20v VVT Turbo

$1,030.00 ex TAX

(1 customer review)


MRP Kelford Custom Spec Camshafts to suit 4age 20v Turbo

Our custom profiled cams feature extra high lift of 9.5mm and split duration to maximise performance of the 20v Blacktop head while still retaining the OEM VVT.
Most off the shelf cams are not configured to run VVT correctly and if so their lift is limited.
Available to suit both Silvertop and Blacktop

We have tested this cam on a boosted engine and it works just as intended – minimal low end power loss compared to a stock cam but heaps more mid and top end (Our engine made 690hp with these cams while retaining oem drivability)

Advertised duration:
264 Deg Intake 9.5mm
268 Deg Exhaust 9.4mm
Intake Duration @1mm Valve Lift 234 deg
Exhaust Duration @1mm Valve Lift 238 deg